Let´s head straight towards a fact; Out of all the social media sites in the world, YouTube provides the most captivated traffic. Statistically speaking, YouTube has an average of 2.99 pages per visit and it is only likely to increase over time.
Now, we´ve all been there—struggling to get traffic to our sites. The cut-throat competition makes it extremely difficult to get regular visitors, with some of our sites even losing traffic in recent times. Hence, it is imperative to try different strategies round the clock to be ahead of the competition. And, one of the best ways of gaining more authority and traffic for your website is through the effective use of YouTube.
You should know that it is unrealistic for you to believe that you will get visitors pronto upon the application of the strategies mentioned below. However, we can guarantee that it will increase your chances of getting engaged traffic to your site.
Why have we picked YouTube to help you gain more authority and traffic for your website?
Let´s talk about a fact here again. YouTube has close to a whopping three billion views per day! And, statistics tell us that YouTube is only second to the search engine, Google, when it comes to talking about size! If reliable reports are to be believed, YouTube also holds the distinct honor of being one of the most-visited sites globally; it is placed third to be precise!
Therefore, if you consider yourself as a shrewd entrepreneur that holds expertise in marketing strategies, you mustn´t overlook using YouTube for traffic. The great thing about YouTube is that you can post your content on YouTube. Hence, your content has every chance of being indexed inside the results pages provided by Google´s search engine. In addition to that, your content can also be attached to various blogs and can find itself being distributed all over social media platforms.
Let us break a myth here; you do not require your YouTube videos to boast of a million views to acquire desired outcomes. You should instead focus on getting quality visitors that are genuinely interested in your content and services.
So, how can you use YouTube for driving more traffic to your website?
There is a list of strategies you can deploy to help your cause. However, the most important strategy that you should deploy in order to drive your viewers to your website is to make your video as ¨tempting¨ as possible. Now, how can you make your video tempting? Well, you can do so by providing free offers in your video. You should tell your viewers why exactly they need those free offers (free offers could mean free pieces of advice, consultation, report, software application, or guide). You must be able to tell your viewers exactly why they simply cannot do without the free offers. Your videos can follow a simple method here; the videos must provide information to the viewers on what they need to do, how they can get it done, and why they should immediately jump off their seats to get it done!
Here are some things you can do to help drive traffic to your website;
- Using YouTube´s Cards Feature
The YouTube´s cards feature is a revolutionary feature and you must use it effectively to your benefit. The cards feature is wonderful because people can click on it from any device whether it be through a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. This feature can prompt the viewers to visit your side directly to sign up for an opt-in, or have access to a sales page.
- YouTube Annotations
Another feature of YouTube that works similarly to the cards feature is YouTube´s annotations. The annotations were already in use way before the integration of the cards feature and unlike the cards feature, annotations can be customized to have it stand out; the color, font, and size of the annotations can be changed.
- Provide link in your description box
This is another step you simply cannot miss out on. You must provide link in your description box. You can´t always include everything you want in the annotations and cards feature; viewers might be interested in the products you wear, endorse, or the music you use for your videos etc. Therefore, in order to make things convenient for your viewers, you must provide links in your description box. This will help you establish a good impression.
- YouTube Endslates feature
This feature is a relatively new feature. So, what do endslates templates do? Well, it allows you to easily pop in a link to your website and have a call to action that says, ¨Learn more, or go here, ¨ helping drive viewers straight to your website.
- Providing the viewer an opt-in
Providing the viewer an opt-in that is specific to the content that you are sharing in the video is a must!